71.4% users remember the feeling and the visuals of their dream, while 78.6% users remember the feeling of fear and anxiety of their nightmares.
By recording dreams, 53.8% of users would like to understand their dreams, while the others would like to use to record as self reflection and gain perspective.
For 85.7% of users, dreams affect their mood throughout their day.
Most users feel like they rarely dream, and only remember them sometimes.
As I've defined the problem and needs of my users, I use "Like, Wish, and What Ifs" to list ideas and potential features that can help them.
To determine which ideas I prioritize, I create sections of impact and complexity. Ideas that fall on high impact as solutions to the problem and least complexity in terms of feasibility and technology are carried over to testing.
Users have created an account and has gone through on-boarding process (On-boarding user flow can be developed further in the future
User flow map will focus on the core product which is dream journaling with mood and activity tracking
User enters dream journal the moment they wake up and are still remembering the dream; meaning users are not fully awake to enter full journal entry.