
Funeral and Memorial Planning Companion
UX/UI Design
Solo Project / User Researcher and Interaction Designer
Timeline: 4 weeks
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Jernih makes planning and arranging more accessible and painless, and thus provides emotional support for planners and helps them cope with grief in a healthier way.
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The "Why?"

In 2020 for the first time, I was involved deeply in funeral planning with my family. My relative drove the planning and arrangement most of the time - but seeing and experiencing the amount of logistical consideration while battling emotion in making decisions made us realize how much we are not prepared for this.

I decided to talk with 9 other people with different experiences with loss and direct and indirect experiences with funeral and/or memorial services. I also sent out a survey through Forms and was able to get responses from 19 users. From sharing their stories of loss and grief, I was able to learn that:

When they had to plan a funeral for the first time, they didn’t know what to do, and they wish they had known all the information they need are searchable online.

They find expenses as the heaviest burden as these arrangements are costly though necessary.

They are hoping that help in the planning part of loss and grief can lift a burden from their minds.

When discussing with their family, they find it hard to make logical decisions when it comes to expenses while everyone is going through grief.

The process of planning a funeral and memorial service for a loved one can be difficult and does not allow a moment to grieve for the planner. Also, there has not been any centralized costing and planning platform to arrange essential events and tasks.

How can we make planning and arranging more accessible and painless, and thus provides emotional support for planners and helps them cope with grief in a healthier way?

User Story

From the stories that have been shared with me, I decided to synthesize a user persona story and their journey through this experience to create an in-depth understanding. This will help me in keeping user needs and emotions in mind as I proceed with my solution synthesis.

And thus, I created "Alex Lee" and her journey through her father's sudden passing.
(Detailed information on the methodology available in Case Study.)

Competitor Analysis

Through my competitor analysis research, I find that there is a lack of comparative examples currently. Thus, I took creative liberty and observed another field that involves deep logistical planning and timeline management - Wedding Planning Companion App.
Strength of Wedding Planning Apps:
  • Editable budget list with calculator.
  • Count down to date feature.
  • Premade checklist as a guide for wedding planners.
  • Users can look up vendors in app.
  • Built in registry platform.
Further Needs & Areas of Improvement:
  • Collaboration feature with other users.
  • Simple steps to edit task lists.
  • Customizable tasks list from a template created from questionnaire.

Creating the Prototype

After determining user flow, I transferred the path into sketch form to create a functioning low fidelity with pen and paper.

By not going to digital right away, I was able to create the layout quickly and efficiently with no design decisions yet as I will make those in the next prototypes.

Prototyping Journey

Features and

Interact With Figma Prototype

Mock Web Landing Page

Built in VS Code and Bootstrap JS Library
Website Link

Presentation Video

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